Spokane Garry



Spokane Garry


The youngest child of Chief lllim-ekum-Spokanee of the powerful Middle Spokanes, Garry was orphaned at 12. With 8 other Indian boys he was sent to the trader's school at Lake Winnipeg, Canada. For six years he studiM English, French, the Episcopal faith and agriculture. Then, dressed as a white man, he returned to his tribe to teach all he had learned . His daughter Nellie remembers his first school as being at Drumheller Springs, near Maple and Euclid , and he spent many hours speaking in the long . house there. Garry made a great effort to change the ways of the Indians, and his hopes were high . But the Spokanes were not content with one wife in place of three or four, and few cared about the plow and hoe. After 2 or 3 years, Garry gave up and donned the garb of his father. But his voice was always heard in the tribal councils, and he was honored and sought after by the chiefs. He traveled a lot, first with the Army, then as a hunter and Indian emissary.




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Spokane Garry